
Using GitHub with this tutorial

You can use GitHub to download the project files at different stages of the tutorial, as well as the finished project.

  1. Go here: https://github.com/immersivecognition/uxf-tutorial-project/commits/master and find the part you wish to view.
  2. Press the <> icon to browse the code at this point.
  3. Search through the Assets folder to view the code at this point in time, or press Clone or download to pull the project files down to your PC.

You can also click the commit ID (the 7 digit code) to view the changes introduced at this stage. (Only pay attention to changes to .cs and .json files - the others are Unity’s files which shouldn’t be edited by hand.) Here’s an example of a change when we added a miss outcome.

The project uses Unity 2019.2.1f - To ensure compatibility use a version 2019.2.X from Unity Hub.