
Part 7 - Adding a timeout outcome

In this task, we want people to move quickly with ballistic movements. We will ensure this happens by adding a fail condition if the participant moves too slow (over 600ms). We can do this with a simple script that launches a coroutine and fails this trial if they move too slowly.

We will also play a sound when we move too slowly. I used this negative beep sound that I found (login required).

I made a script called TooSlowCheck that will perform these functions. Here’s a screenshot of all the script I have so far if you’re following along.


And the script (hopefully pretty self explanatory as previous parts have covered everything here).

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UXF;

public class TooSlowCheck : MonoBehaviour
    public AudioClip failSound;
    public Session session;
    public void BeginCountdown()

    public void StopCountdown()

    IEnumerator Countdown()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.6f);

        // if we got to this stage, that means we moved too slow
        session.CurrentTrial.result["outcome"] = "tooslow";

        // we will play a clip at position above origin, 100% volume
        AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(failSound, new Vector3(0, 1.3f, 0), 1.0f);

Again, this script is attached to my Experiment object. Here are the assigned references…


And we want to call our BeginCountdown on trial begin, and StopCountdown on trial end.


Now, of course our trial will be marked as tooslow in our output.

Fixing the feedback

Right now the feedback (the Cursor Copy) is still going to try to display even if we move too slow. That is a problem because we don’t have an “angle” measured. So lets add a condition where that doesn’t happen in our FeedbackController script. I modified the first part of our Present() method that returns early if the outcome isn’t a hit or miss:

    public void Present(Trial endedTrial)
        // get the results for this trial
        // we have to cast to types (using the name of the type in brackets)
        string outcome = (string) endedTrial.result["outcome"];
        if (outcome != "hit" & outcome != "miss") return; // early exit, dont do anything
        float angle = (float) endedTrial.result["angle"];     

Later we will add additional text feedback for the different outcomes.

Test it

No sound here but you can see the trial ending when the movement isn’t quick enough.
